Despite the negativity the ball went well, afterwards i ran to the strip club cause i needed me time then i went to the after party. Overall it was a good night/ day... i didn't get back till 630.
i had to wake up at 10:30 am to get back to regular duties, good thing i don't drink. don't need that stuff to party :-)
i was sexy in my gown that i lost weight to fit in.. see i didn't have the money to get a dress but i worked my butt off to lose weight for my SNTs and it paid off i looked awesome... wait a min look for ya self
I know "i'm sexy and i know it"... :-)
Here is my after party clothes... not a BANG affect but still doable.
I have learned a lot in the past few days about myself and people. I will always be soft , sensitive, and over kind. That is how GOD made me, and why should I allow people make me change. But i have also found out that I don't have to be kind to everyone, and no one ever has to be kind to me. Its funny how you find out people true colors in the end. but I have no regrets. I wouldn't change anything cause if i did i would have my new knowledge.