Sunday, January 26, 2014

What I've learned ( today)


So I just got through watching a documentary on Netflix called "National Geographic: China's Lost Girls". If you have never seen it here is my short summary. The reporter is Lisa Ling, and she travels to china with several American families to China, to document on film their final step in the adoption process of little baby girls from China over populated orphanages.

Now I know your probably wondering why I'm sharing this. Well one this is my blog and I can share anything I want. Tuff ...LOL. Secondly, After watching another documentary last week entitled " It's a Girl" which talked about the degardig of female children the the most horrific ways by not only Chinese families but Indian families as well.

My mother always wanted to be a foster mother. She loves children, I guess that where I get my love to work and help children from ( but that's another story). The films help me to realize that Asia has a problem, but not just the visual ones. It was said that it takes several years for families to finalize and receive children, and that made think question why?

The laws of china are that no family may have more than one child. And if I am wrong about this second part please someone correct me. That they may have a second child ONLY if that first child is a female child. If they have two female children then they are "stuck" ( not my choice is wording).

This made me so upset. I come from a family of seven ( including myself) daughters. My father has no living sons. They are all dead ( They were all infants). My father says he didn't want a boy that he loves having daughters, and never showed anything discrepancies from that statement.

It even showed when two of my older sisters had children. One had a son, whom my father was ...yay a grandchild; but when the next sister had a daughter he was like.... YAY!!!!!. This actually worried me when I had my son cause I didn't know how he would act but despite what he had said in my earlier life, my son LOVES my son; sometimes I think more that me ( which I am thrilled about).

Now i'm saying for so many reasons... Yes I know I came off track (geeze). The world needs female do these Asian countries not understand this. The Chinese people seem to understand cause they have started go so far as to kidnap female children to marry their sons. Tisk Tisk

After watching these films I notice another thing especially in the film I just watched. Its profitable. The film said that it cost 10,000 or more to adopt from china. Cha Ching!!! The film said that the orphanages are filled, I'm sure if they didn't take so long to process forms that would fix the issue somewhat. Also what in the world are they doing with all that money. The film showed the children all crammed in a small room. That's A LOT of money that could help the children, but would it be more profitable to a gov't (not a didn't say country) if you prolong getting rid of your females. Hmmm

Think about it...

If I had the money i'd adopt a baby girl too. Oh...but I'm sure you can guess what they nationality of ALL the parent were from the film.

Think about that too...

See ya soon.

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